Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Girl Who Cried Poop

Recently, every time I try to put Eva down to go to sleep - whether it is a nap or to bed at night - she begins to scream. When I leave the room she cries, "Mama" over and over again. I don't usually go back in unless I think she dropped her Nuk or her froggy on the floor. The only other time I go in is when she says, "Mama poop" since then I know she has gone poop in her diaper and needs to be changed. Well today she decided to say it when there was no poop. So dutifully in I go to change her poopy diaper. Guess what? No poop. So then she tells me she has to "Go potty." Yipee I am thinking - this potty training thing is really going well. So we go out of her bedroom and go sit on the potty. "Bup" she says. Ok, so I give her a book to read while she is on the potty. And then she sits. And sits. And gets up and tells me to leave - so I go. And then I hear her running around. WHAT!? She is supposed to be napping NOT running around the house with no pants on!!! Now I am pissed. I feel so used! So I put her diaper on and put her back to bed. She starts screaming again. Groundhog moment. Then she starts saying, "Mama poop." Nah, not falling for it this time. She is the little girl who cried poop!

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