Saturday, November 14, 2009

Strangers and Spirits

I am a spiritual person so this has significance to me....

Yesterday in the car I decided it was time to have the "stranger talk" with Eva. You know, the talk when you say - "Never go anywhere with someone you don't know, even if they tell you Mommy and Daddy said it's alright." "Never get into a car with someone other than Mommy or Daddy or Grandma or Nana & Papa or Sandi (the babysitter)...etc..." To which my child answered, "Or Great Papa."

"Well, you won't see Great Papa, because he is in heaven." To which she answered simply,"No I see him."

I was speechless.

1 comment:

Danalisa said...

AWWWWW...what a beautiful story! I'm sure she does see him!