Saturday, January 2, 2010

M "ER" ry Christmas!

I find it both ironic and interesting that the initials ER are in the word Merry. Perhaps this is because we found ourselves in the ER on Christmas Day with a super sick Stella. She began coughing on the 21st and I thought, "Hmmm, that's not good." Then she began being really congested and I thought, "Oh great, a cold just in time for X-mas." And then she had a fever and so I thought, "Time to see the pediatrician." They diagnosed her with RSV a virus that seems to find its way to infants and young children mostly. She continued to cough and schmug (my word for the sniffles) for the next few days. I took her back to the pediatrician on X-mas Eve because I suspected an ear infection because her ear seemed tender to the touch. "Oh no," I was assured, "she is just congested." "MmmmK." So X-mas Eve we set out to Papa and Nana's house to sleepover and wait for Santa. By the next morning she is inconsolable and I notice there is fluid leaking from her right ear. "Super." Emergency Room here we come. Four and 1/2 hours later and two exhausted parents and we determine "Hark. She has a friggin ear infection." Why didn't I go to med school?

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