Friday, January 8, 2010

The Fun Memories from This Christmas

Since Christmas was a little interrupted by our trip to the ER I feel like I focused on the negative in that post. Here is a focus on the positive.

Most importantly, my Dad is on the path to recovery from kidney and prostate cancer and will hopefully be here with us for many more Christmases to come.

Here we are at Breakfast with Santa at Eva's school. (Ok, so she was terrified of Santa himself so we don't have any actual shots of Santa...but whatever, we had fun!)

Eva enjoying her bagel!

Stella could barely contain her excitement to see Santa Claus!

Matt & Eva working on her craft

The finished product!

Eva came home from school with some fun things to do to celebrate the impending holiday. She made reindeer feed to sprinkle on Nana & Papa's front lawn to attract Santa's reindeer. Here she is spreading it on the lawn!

The next morning Eva looked to make sure the reindeer had eaten their food!

On Christmas Eve, Eva's advent gift was a cup and a plate for Santa's snack!

She decided Santa would like Hot Chocolate and chose the cookies for him and his reindeer. She put them out on the coffee table.

Here is Eva as she excitedly sees that Santa has enjoyed his snack and left her a note!

So excited that Santa brought her the choo choo train she asked for!

Eva and Bug - on Bug's new playmat from Santa!

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