How I developed this blog:
Angie: You should have a blog!
Marguerite: I don't know, I'm not super good at these things.
Angie: Let's set up a page for you!
Marguerite: Um, I don't know.
Angie: Let me show you, this is SO easy!
So I dutifully logged in today (a mere 24 hours after getting home from Washington) to set up my page. Angie was right. It is very easy to set up a blog of your very own! I just typed in my e-mail address and clicked on page colors and settings. The part they don't tell you when you are choosing settings, though, is that the page gets rid of your color choices each time you pick a new layout - curses to that!! After trying out a few color schemes and layouts I felt prepared to begin!!
So now it is time to blog. I am suddenly speechless (those of you who know me realize that this is momentous!). How in the world do you blog? How do you begin? So I do like any good lawyer, I research! I proceed to read everything on Angie's page - and then I read her sisters' pages. One thing becomes clear to me - you can't actually copy your friend's page because we don't actually live the same life! So then I stare blankly at the computer screen and wait for something profound to come to me. This is what I got. Not so much profound - but at least something!