Friday, January 30, 2009

Scary Stuff

I had hoped that by now I would be blogging about how there was no findings in my test results and I went to work today. Unfortunately, that was not to be. After the MRA of my brain yesterday, the radiologist found something in my blood vessels of my brain that concerned him and that he felt required further study. As a result, my doctor sent me to the ER yesterday to be evaluated by a neurologist and neurosurgeon. While they released me rather than admitting me (after I spent 7 hours in the ER), they both agreed that I needed an angiogram to clarify whether the findings from the MRA are something that requires further treatment. An angiogram is a test that requires sending a catheter from a vein in the groin area to explore other areas of the body, namely in my case, the brain. I am scheduled for this test at 3 p.m. today at Somerset Medical Center. Since I have to leave shortly, I figured I would blog first so those of you who read my blog from Wednesday wouldn't panic. I am hopeful that the abnormalities the MRA uncovered are nothing more than some congenital defect that requires no intervention, but I have to say that I am concerned. Hopefully this angiogram will bring answers and will confirm the least problematic possibility. I will blog more when I know more.

1 comment:

Danalisa said...

OMG!! Saying some prayers! Keep us posted!